Center for Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering(CPGE) ,University of Texas at Austin--德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校石油和地球系统工程中心



  CPGE is a research unit at The University of Texas at Austin. We also have a new education, training and outreach program, begun in 2012, to bring the results of our research to educators, energy professionals, regulators, students and the public at large.

  CPGE's vision is to be the premier academic research organization in all facets of oil and gas exploration and production. Through our leadership and technology innovation, we want to enable energy security that balances environmental impact and affordable resources. And, we are making an impact across a broad spectrum of energy and environmental themes. A research unit at the university, CPGE conducts $10 million annually (see graph at right) in innovative faculty and students research through nine major sponsored areas with more than 50 corporate partners and numerous federal and state funding agencies (see graph lower left for funding distribution in 2012).